Feature: Remembering the work of Franco Scaglione by Jordan Lenssen

Eighteen years removed from his latest and most hopeful works, Franco Scaglione had sunk into obscurity. The automotive world that once exalted his designs had long forgotten about him. He had crafted some of the finest and most notable cars in history and yet, a single, happenstance article in Italy’s AutoCapital in 1993 became a final tribute before he quietly passed from lung cancer at 76...

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Feature: Porsche's saving grace by Jordan Lenssen

Even the greats need a reality check from time to time. Porsche had just celebrated its 60th anniversary, but increasing production costs and a high Deutschmark, paired with an ailing U.S. market and increased Japanese imports, had all but decimated the company. From 1986 to 1991, North American annual sales fell from 30,471 cars to just 4,388. Porsche was on the brink of collapse...

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First time out: The Lotus 49 by Jordan Lenssen

Is there any Grand Prix car more beautiful than the Lotus 49? The 1960s are widely regarded as the golden age of motorsport and F1 racing, not least of which the vehicles were blazingly fast, relied on nothing but mechanical grip, and the majority of the drivers on the grid were truly world class. 

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Feature: One love. "Tiffany" & interview with RWB founder Akira Nakai by Jordan Lenssen

In the heart of Chiba, Japan lies a shop completely oblivious to the untold eye. Operating as the workplace, and often sleeping quarters of RWB founder, Akira Nakai, its downtrodden exterior blends seamlessly with the environment around it. Hiding the automotive beauty and genius within, from the outside, it is a literal example of its owner's motto, "Rough World."

The list of automotive legends is brief, but it's in this place that Nakai san developed a concept that would put him amongst some of the greatest builders that the world – let alone Japan – will ever see...

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Feature: Utility, refined: 2015 Nissan Murano review by Jordan Lenssen

...from the Maxima to the 350Z, 370Z, and the monstrous GT-R, each of these cars has always carried progressive styling, technology and driving character and that fits each identity perfectly. Until now, Nissan's SUV/CUV lineup seemed to miss at least one of these critical marks.

Which may be why partaking in this event was all the more important…

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