brixton forged

Feature: Euro fighter: The ReinART.Design x Brixton Forged x Prior Design Audi R8 by Jordan Lenssen

Just as a stock is the base to a chef, the Audi R8 is to the automotive connoisseurs at ReinART.Design.

The bespoke automotive performance and styling consultancy has always had one clear objective: to stand out from the rest by working with the best. So, how do you "soup" a car that’s already filled with a grocery list of goods? The answer is vision and execution...

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Feature: Godzilla gone viral: Dr. J.J. Dubec has created a monster... by Jordan Lenssen

Everyone wants a piece of this car. It’s spreading like a virus. Just ask the lineup of photographers who caught the bug and were begging to shoot it. It’s a Godzilla, it’s a Liberty Walk. It’s the marriage of the two perfect specimens. As a Canadian car, it’s one of only two LBs, and undoubtedly the finest...

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